They'll Learn all the steps at three levels to develop an impressive Unfair Student Advantage using Leveraged Layered Learning explained in short, sharp and focused video lessons and enhanced and supported by live coaching sessions.
Meeting the group, defining goals and outcomes, explaining the journey ahead and setting expectations
(12 Videos)
Master the secrets to controlling your physical, mental and emotional state to stay calm, focused & relaxed,
(12 Videos)
Develop a peak performance mindset and apply it to your studies to put you in the top 5% of all students
(14 Videos)
Discover the note taking and knowledge organisation strategies of the most successful students.
(22 Videos)
How to create a knowledge framework to form the foundation of your long term memory and recall.
(20 Videos)
Activate the long term recall of information with the creation of memory highlights.
(26 Videos)
Turn content into knowledge and wisdom by applying higher order thinking to understand it better.
(6 Videos)
Consolidating everything you've studied into one easy to learn format for perfect understanding & recall
(19 Videos)
Master impressive memory techniques to remember lists, sequences, numbers & vocabulary.
(30 Videos)
How to plan and prepare an efficient and effective revision schedule tailored to your needs.
Michael Tipper is a specialist in helping people develop their abilities to learn, remember and recall. He won the silver medal in the world memory championships and has spent over 20 years helping people improve their memory. He's written 5 books on memory and study skills that have been translated into 7 different languages. Michael has spoken all over the world, worked directly with over 100,000 students and young people and have appeared on news outlets that include the BBC, Channel 4, Sky News, The Times, The Daily Mail, The Guardian, Men's Health, Wired Magazine and numerous national and international radio stations. He's attempted world records on the Guinness Show, been featured on shows like Amazing People and have taught and coached celebrities on how to improve their ability to learn.
Complete your order below to enrol and you'll get instant access to the programme so your teen can started developing their Unfair Student Advantage IMMEDIATELY.
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Unfair Student Advantage
Here are just a handful of the many, many benefits your teen will get by developing an Unfair Student Advantage:
In addition to the 9 Modules of the Online Programme, you'll also receive this additional bonuses:
When you sign up for the Group Coaching, you'll get immediate access to this cutting edge programme that will take your teen step by step through to developing an Unfair Student Advantage all the other parents will be totally jealous of and wish their kids had too.
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